Saturn Sez: Chin Up! ~ 3 July 2020

It’s like it is out there. COVID-19 cases in some countries decline to the point where the reopening of society is possible. Not so in Russia, India, Brazil and the U.S. The news is full of pointed, problematic stories and, oh, by the way, Saturn recently retreated back into Capricorn.

Saturn Sez: Chin up, humans! Seriously, Saturn?

Seriously. Sure, Saturn now travels the sign he rules with undisputed authority. Look on the bright side. At least he doesn’t get back to Pluto. And Capricorn is a natural place for Saturn. All that real world stuff we thought we had handled before that we’ve realized we don’t, it’s time to fix it. That’s a good thing.

Consider that Saturn moves into Aquarius in December - a sign he co-rules. On or about the solstice Jupiter conjoins Saturn. This portends the return of real world optimism for which the justification can be seen and substantiated.

Recently the transits Mars makes once he enters Taurus were highlighted. A quick review, as they prime the gaseous giant grind that begins next year:

Mars in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius on 13 January.

Mars squares Jupiter on 20 January, same signs as above.

Mars conjoins Uranus in Taurus on 22 January.

Mars prods, “Ready for some action!?” Who isn’t by now?

But first, here’s a picture I shot recently following an unexpected rain shower... something desperately needed. A couple of things about this picture. The mountain in the center background is the one that’s been subjected to zigzagging wild fires caused by lightning for more than a month. It’s hard to see the smoke, but it rises into and mixes in with the clouds. The bird just happened to fly through my shot. It occurs to me that the bird’s a reminder of action during Mars transits.

You can circumvent the storm and not fly through it. Pick a smooth path that’s “straight and smooth” considering all environmental factors. Make the journey as easy, peaceful and uncomplicated as possible. Now there’s a bird-brained idea.


Who’s ready for some progress, innovation and change!? Cool! We have the gearing up of three of the four gaseous giants in 2021. Jupiter in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus on 17 January 2021. This is a one time shot of Jupiter to Uranus. After he does his inspirational thing here, Jupiter sets his sights on his conjunction with Neptune in Pisces in April of 2022. This too, is a big time deal... and promises hope, inspiration, healing and the belief we might/could make it after all... after all we’re enduring in the present.

As for Jupiter to Uranus, this is a time for big ideas. It’s a time for huge adventurous undertakings with the consideration that long term efforts are required for the journey to complete. Uranus, as does Saturn, clocks per the proverbial seven-year itch. A project initiated next January could take seven years to complete. That should not be daunting or debilitating. Break up the project in Jupiterian bites of a year. Roughly he’s a year per sign. He epitomizes the one-year goal.

During Jupiter square Uranus, expect to install a solid set of changes as soon as realized, and ride them for the next year. As noted above, the following year, Jupiter aligns with Neptune in Pisces... a sign they both co-rule. The key for Jupiter and Uranus: Keep your eye on the end game and recognize that changes considered and planned with change based upon ever-changing environmental factors and priorities. The Jupiter-Neptune rulership notation bears similarity to next year’s Saturn and Uranus square, in play throughout 2021, and sharing co-rulership of Aquarius.

With that, let’s get back to being more grounded with progress and all that evolution stuff. Sounds like a Saturn and Uranus orchestration to a tuned ear.

Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus thrice in 2021. This transit trinity commences with both planets direct and in partile aspect on 17 February. On 14 June Saturn retrogrades back into the quadrature with Uranus, direct. Completing the exchange, Saturn, now direct in Aquarius, makes one last square with Uranus, now retrograde in Taurus, on 23 December.

When I was in the Navy we used to say that the Navy was two hundred years of tradition unmarred by progress. Funny, right? Tradition is like Saturn. Progress is like Uranus. Given the “tense” or “hard” square aspect between this father-son planet combo next year, can any good come from it?

While we never said this in the Navy, the old saying, “Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water,” applies. Regardless how weird that actually is, it does note a working rule of the Saturn-Uranus squares ahead. Make no mistake, the two conspire to conjure, create and install some massive changes. Will it have positive results? Yes, given some things are kept in mind... the first being, what works works. Not everything must change nor be discarded in any revolution, innovation or era of progress.

Since Uranus and Aquarius both symbolize technology, consider a computer. Let’s say the computer needs upgrades to its internal systems to stay current and effectively function within leading edge technology. We used to say in the Navy (the sanitized version), “If it ain’t broke, don’t mess with it.” While we maintained that as gospel we also regularly performed major overhauls and upgrades of existing computer systems.

Consider these approaches:

One can determine a computer is obsolete and donate it for a tax write-off to a school where students might still be able to learn on it. An entirely new system can be purchased. Wah-la. Change and innovation in place.

The computer can be taken off line while the retrofitting is done. A little down time; a heap of improvement on its heels.

The computer can be upgraded piece by piece. First the CPU, followed by the video card, then the wifi component replaced. During this process changes can be made by priority and one at a time, such that ongoing functionality can be maintained during the process.

Which is the correct option? Depends. That depends upon the establishment of priorities.

What’s in place that works like a champ? Leave that be for right now.

What clearly doesn’t work? Figure out how to fix it and then do it, dammit, without delay.

What works in the moment, but as time goes by and new factors and innovations appear need to be changed?

While some will always say, “Don’t mess with my lightbulb!” in a very “Get off the grass” Uranian tone, once the new light is realized to make work easier to see and reduce eyestrain, all is forgotten.

There is also the totally wonky Uranus wild card. None of the above. How about this!? Insert capricious and fantastical agenda here. Saturn will require rules of the road, regardless.

This renders the distinction that if something is known to have lost its effectiveness, there’s no need to hold to its necessity. When something better is known to exist, Saturn and Uranus seek to shift personal consciousness such that a graceful grab of new insights can be executed.

Will Saturn and Uranus bring progressive change? Yes, they will. All institutions, programs, organizations and personal routines are subject to upgrade and enhancement. Sure, there are growing pains. But the first time that new computer boots up and the increased speed and enhanced functionality become evident, it will be a refreshing moment that relieves pent-up collective anticipation of difficulty, frees up breathing and relaxes the shoulders.

There are new dawns promised during 2021. As much as this current year portended the isolation of Eris to be the dominant theme granting the personal reassessment of soulful individuality, next year suggests that with disciplined effort, attentive work, and dedication to life getting better, presently unbelievable, good can be conjured, created and delivered.

So when you hear Saturn whispering, “Stick with me, kid. We’re gonna kick ass and make hay,” trust him. Get your gear ready. As 2020 appears to hold a necessary throttle to the world, use the down time get ready to take on the unforeseeable. While enduring this pandemic, listen to Saturn when he urges, “Chin up, kid!”

Yes, the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction stirs up and optimism this coming December.

True, the Jupiter square Uranus pattern inspires a sense of what changes and innovations can be imagined next January.

Then, Saturn square Uranus provides the momentum and enthusiasm to take on major change and progressive movements starting February next and continuing through all of 2021.

Chin up! If you’re woefully staring at the ground, the next horizon cannot be seen.